How to Read Russian Documents on Your Computer

Instructions for Netscape version 4.0

If you have Netscape version 4.0 as your web browser and you wish to view Russian documents, follow these instructions:

  • In Netscape, choose "View," then "Encoding," and then "Cyrillic KOI8-R."

  • You should now be able to read Cyrillic characters on your web browser.

Instructions for Netscape version 2.0

If you have Netscape version 2.0 as your web browser and you wish to view Russian documents, follow these instructions:

  • In Netscape, choose "Options" and then "General Preferences."

  • Select the tab labeled "Fonts."

  • For the Encoding, choose "Latin 1."

  • Where it says "Use the Proportional Font," click the "choose font" button and from the c:\cyrillic directory choose "ER Bukinist KOI-8." Where it says "Use the Fixed Font" click the "choose font" button and choose "ROL-K8/Courier." (Click here if you can't choose one or both of these fonts.)

  • Click "OK."

  • You should now be able to read Cyrillic characters on your web browser.

Instructions for Other Browsers

Check out this page

How to download the ER Bukinist KOI-8 and ROL-K8/Courier fonts

  1. Download Cyrillic web fonts for your browser by clicking Cyrillic Fonts For Web Browsers.

    As you do so, your browser may say "Unknown File Type..." Choose "Save File." It will ask you which directory to put the file in. If you don't have a "temp" directory already, create one and put the file there.)

    NOTE: It is a good idea to scan any downloaded programs, such as these, for viruses before you use them. If you have an anti-virus program, like ViruScan, scan the files in your temp directory before "unzipping" them!

  2. This will be a "zip" file, which means it has been compressed to make it easier and faster to download. To "unzip" it, you need to download an evaluation version of WinZip to your computer. (This will be an evaluation copy. You can register to buy this software later. Information on how to do this is included on the WinZip site, and also with the downloaded software.) After you download, it will appear in your c:\temp directory as "winzip31.exe." By clicking on that file name, it will extract and install WinZip. (Remember, always scan for viruses!)

  3. Next, create a directory in which to put your Cyrillic fonts, "c:\cyrillic."

  4. Click on the downloaded Cyrillic fonts file "c:\temp\," which will launch the WinZip program.

  5. Extract the files to the "c:\cyrillic" directory. (When WinZip is opened, you will see a button called "Extract." After pressing this, it will prompt you to choose the directory where you want the files extracted. Choose "c:\cyrillic")

  6. In the Windows File Manager, open "Control Panel," which is usually found in the "Main" program group, and choose "Fonts," then select "Add."

  7. After pressing "Add" you will be prompted to select the directory and files with the fonts in them that you want to add. Choose "c:\cyrillic."

  8. Select all the fonts in that directory, and select "Add."

  9. The fonts are now installed on your system. Close the Fonts and Dialog box and close Control Panel.

  10. See instructions above to learn how to set your web browser to view Russian-language documents.

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Institute for Energy and Environmental Research

Comments to Outreach Coordinator:
Takoma Park, Maryland, USA

Updated September, 1999