Press Release:
NCI Completes Nationwide Study of
Radioactive Fallout
from 1950s Nuclear
Office of Cancer
Building 31,Room
Bethesda, MD 20892
National Cancer Institute
July 28, 1997
NCI Press Office
(301) 496-6641
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has
completed a study to assess Americans'
exposures to radioactive iodine-131 fallout from
atmospheric nuclear bomb tests carried out at the
Nevada Test Site (NTS) in the 1950s.
Depending on their age at the time of the tests,
where they lived, and what foods they
consumed, particularly milk, Americans were
exposed to varying levels of I-131. Because of
the radioactive decay of I-131, such exposures
did not exceed two months following each test.
Because I-131 accumulates in the thyroid gland,
concerns have been raised that the fallout could
cause thyroid cancer in people who were
exposed to it as children.
In 1982, Congress passed legislation calling for
the Department of Health and Human Services to
develop methods to estimate I-131 exposure, to
assess I-131 exposure levels across the country
from the Nevada tests, and to assess risks for
thyroid cancer from these exposures.
The fallout report fulfills the first two of these
three requirements. The complete report includes
estimates of average I-131 dose to the thyroid
for representative persons in each county during
1951 to 1958, when the nuclear tests were
carried out in Nevada. Estimates of thyroid
doses have been made for persons by age, sex,
and source and quantity of milk consumption.
(For most people, the bulk of I-131 exposure
came from drinking milk. Smaller amounts came
from eating other dairy products, eggs, and leafy
vegetables, and through inhalation.) Although the
study was carried out with as much care as
possible, a large degree of uncertainty is
associated with these dose estimates, as they are
based on a small number of radiation
measurements made at that time and relied
heavily on the use of mathematical models.
The average cumulative thyroid dose to the
approximately 160 million people in the country
was about 2 rads-less than the dose received
from diagnostic thyroid scans in the 1950s.
Persons living in heavy fallout areas, children, and
persons who drank large quantities of milk
received higher doses. In general, persons living
in Western states to the north and east of the test
site had the highest doses, averaging 5 to 16
rads. Children aged 3 months to 5 years
averaged about 10 times the dose of adults,
because in general they drank more milk than did
adults and because their thyroids were smaller.
A summary of the fallout report will be published
in September, and the complete report, including
exposure estimates for each of the 3,071
counties in the 48 contiguous U.S. states, will be
available later this year. The complete report is
about 100,000 pages. Although the fallout report
was not intended to fulfill the third requirement,
the results will be linked with findings from
relevant epidemiological studies, including some
currently in progress, to estimate thyroid cancer
The small number of studies on persons exposed
to I-131 from NTS fallout have produced
suggestive but not conclusive evidence that it is
linked to cancer. The effects of radiation from
other sources, such as medical X-rays, have
been studied much more extensively. This larger
body of data suggests that the fallout radiation
doses received by the vast majority of U.S.
children in the 1950s are unlikely to be an
important cancer risk factor. However, the
radiation doses among children who lived in
areas with high fallout levels, and particularly
those who drank a great deal of milk, or who
drank milk from goats or family cows, may well
have an increased risk of thyroid cancer, the level
of which is highly uncertain.
In the 1960s, the U.S. Public Health Service
conducted a study of children living in parts of
Utah and Nevada that had high fallout to
determine whether thyroid disease was
associated with fallout exposure. This early study
found no evidence of harmful effects.
In 1993, researchers at the University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, published a report on thyroid
disease among members of the same group who
were still residing in the area. They found some
evidence of an association between estimated
dose and thyroid cancer, but this was not
statistically significant. The level of uncertainty
was high because the number of cancer cases
involved was very small. Reflecting this
uncertainty, the researchers estimated that
between zero and six cases of the eight observed
thyroid cancers might have been caused by the
To provide more accurate information on the risk
of thyroid cancer from radioactive fallout, NCI
investigators, in collaboration with other U.S.
government agencies and international
organizations, are working with the governments
of and scientists in Belarus and Ukraine to study
thyroid cancer among children in those countries
who were exposed to fallout of various
radioisotopes of iodine, mainly I-131, from the
Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986. This
population had a wide range of exposures. The
tens of thousands of children exposed to the
fallout received radiation doses to the thyroid that
ranged from comparatively little to those that are
ten times higher than U.S. residents received
from the Nevada tests. Because of the wide
range of exposures and the larger numbers of
persons exposed, information from the
Chernobyl studies is expected to be relevant to
the assessment of the impact of the U.S.
Researchers sponsored by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention are studying the
health effects of the radioactive iodine released
from the Hanford, Wash., nuclear weapons plant
from in the 1940s and 1950s. Results are
expected next year.
The new fallout data from NCI could be used to
correlate fallout levels with thyroid cancer rates in
specific geographic areas; however, such studies
will encounter difficulties. Thyroid cancer is a
rare disease, particularly among children. The
small number of cases in any one geographic
area-particularly in sparsely populated
areas-makes it difficult to determine with
confidence whether rates are significantly
elevated. And while some states have registries
with historical data on all cancer cases in the
state, most do not. In addition, many children in
the 1950s were exposed to medical X-rays at
levels known to increase risk for thyroid cancer,
and it is difficult to disentangle these effects from
those of fallout exposure occurring during the
testing program.
In 1997, an estimated 16,100 Americans will be
diagnosed with thyroid cancer and 1,230 will die
from the disease. The incidence rate for women
is more than twice as high as that for men.
Thyroid cancer is highly curable: The 5-year
survival rate is about 95 percent.