Sample press release for local meeting

Contact - (your phone number here)

Local Meeting to Honor Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday,
Discuss Nonviolent Response to Sept. 11 Tragedy

[Place Name] - Tuesday, October 2, is the 132nd birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, whose example of nonviolent struggle against oppression and injustice has inspired millions. A public gathering will be held at [name of place, time] to honor his birthday by exploring nonviolent responses to the tragedy of September 11, 2001.

Speakers at the meeting, who will present and help guide discussion, are [names of speakers in this paragraph, with group affiliation (if one exists) and a line of description for each. Suggested speakers include: local teachers and academics who teach King, Gandhi, nonviolent change or conflict resolution; representatives of local Afghani or Pakistani populations (as the two countries most directly impacted by the path to war); leaders of Muslim or Arab-American organizations; religious leaders of all faiths; local peace activists, etc.]

"The Gandhian tradition is one we must cultivate to eliminate the scourge of violence in the 21st century, be it terrorism or war," said (local activist name here)." His example is especially meaningful now. Gandhi insisted that Indians remain non-violent in their struggle for freedom even in the face of a mass killing of unarmed men, women and children by British troops in Amritsar in 1919. Gandhi believed that retaliatory violence was wrong, and that hatred can only be conquered by love. And he proved it through successful nonviolent struggles that continue to inspire the world to this day."

Attendees are strongly encouraged to bring their own ideas for a Gandhian response to the current crisis, and participate in discussion. A collection of selected Gandhi quotes will be available to help inspire and guide the discussion.

[Note: Also feel free to attach the original A Call for Gatherings onto this press release.]

A Call for Gatherings on October 2
List of events and gatherings
Gandhi quotes
Sample Letters to the Editor

Reflections on September 11, 2001
IEER Homepage
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
Comments to Outreach Coordinator:
Takoma Park, Maryland, USA

Posted September 26, 2001