The Nuclear Safety Smokescreen

Warhead Safety and Reliability and the
Science Based Stockpile Stewardship Program

Table 5: High Energy Density Facilities and Accelerators

Below is a table describing current and proposed high energy density facilities.

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Facility Name
Design Capability
Nova Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Laser Livermore Existing Yes
Pegasus II Capacitor-Bank Pulsed Power Los Alamos Existing Yes
Procyon High Explosive Pulsed Power Los Alamos Existing Yes
Trident Laser Los Alamos Existing Yes
Bright Source II Laser Los Alamos Existing Yes
Ultra-Short Pulse Laser Livermore Existing Yes
Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF)(2) Accelerator Los Alamos Existing Yes
LANSCE II program to convert LAMPF(3) Accelerator Los Alamos Proposed ($650 million) Yes
National Ignition Facility ICF Laser Livermore is the preferred location Proposed in SSM Programmatic EIS (~$1 billion) Yes
Atlas Capacitor Bank Pulsed Power Los Alamos Proposed in SSM Programmatic EIS ($48.4 million) Yes

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Institute for Energy and Environmental Research

Comments to Outreach Coordinator:
Takoma Park, Maryland, USA

August, 1996


1 For proposed facilities, estimated construction costs are provided. These costs do not include operation or decommissioning of the facility.

2 This facility does not reach the energy densities of the other facilities on this list, but is included in order to show the range of facilities at DOE's disposal.

3 ibid.