Atomic Myths, Radioactive Realities: Why Nuclear Power Is a Poor Way to Meet Energy Needs Fukushima Anniversary: KPFA’s Philip Maldari interviews Arjun Makhijani and Kevin Kamps Fukushima Meltdowns: Between the Lines’ Scott Harris interviews Arjun Makhijani Fukushima and Food Contamination: Between the Lines’ Scott Harris interviews Arjun Makhijani Hammer Forum: The Death of the Nuclear Renaissance (Video) Splashlife: Counterpoint: It’s Time to Close the Chapter on U.S. Nuclear Power Our Electric Future: A Non-Nuclear Low Carb Diet? Is Oil Running Out? (Part 1 of 3) Is Oil Running Out? (Part 2 of 3) Is Oil Running Out? (Part 3 of 3) Drought threatens nukes Minnesota Public Radio: Nuclear power safety one year after Fukushima disaster NPR’s Talk of the Nation “Taking a Second Look at Nuclear Power” (Interview with Arjun Makhijani) Deseret News (Utah): Nuclear power, not renewable energy, is risky course for U.S., by Arjun Makhijani Nuclear Is Not the Right Alternative Energy Source Building small modular reactors senseless (Knoxville News Sentinel) Nuclear Power and Climate Change (a short paper) The US Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Deal: (Conversations on Money, Politics and Science series) Renewable energy microgrids and reducing the risk of grid-triggered wildfires in California (Sacramento Bee, December 2018) TerraPower’s Nuclear Reactor Could Power the 21st Century (IEEE Spectrum): June 1, 2018 Article on equality and climate benefits of investing in clean energy affordability Reactor Proponents Are Batting 0-6 in State Legislatures in 2011 (PR Newswire) What Can the U.S. Do To Cut Carbon? (National Journal Expert Blogs) What Fits The Bill? (National Journal Expert Blog) Can Obama Re-energize Climate? (National Journal Expert Blog)) Do Hacked E-mails Change Climate Debate? (National Journal Expert Blog) Kerry-Boxer: Worth the Wait? (National Journal Expert Blog) Wall Street Nixes Nukes? Time to close the chapter on U.S. nuclear power Washington, Wall Street Mired On Energy (National Journal Expert Blog) Is nuclear energy different than other energy sources? (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists) A US nuclear future?: Commentary in Nature. How does Japan’s Crisis Affect America’s Nuclear Industry? (National Journal Expert Blogs) Nuclear And Coal Have No Place In A “Clean” Energy Standard The Diane Rehm Show: Nuclear Power Plant Future Should Yucca Mountain Remain An Option? (National Journal Expert Blogs) Nuclear Waste Contract FOIA Results List of more interviews and articles from 2008 by Arjun Makhijani on Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free KOHO Radio (WA): Debate between Arjun Makhijani and Patrick Moore on the future of nuclear energy KUOW Radio (WA): Ross Reynolds interviews Arjun Makhijani May 5, a historic date in nuclear weapons and nuclear power: Kyodo News op-ed
Renewable energy microgrids and reducing the risks of grid-triggered wild fires in California(Sacramento Bee, December 2018)