Matching Utility Loads with Solar and Wind Power in North Carolina
The Trouble with STRIDE: Meeting climate goals and addressing natural gas system stranded costs
Report on water requirements for hydrogen production prepared for Just Solutions
Expert Panel views on Fukushima radioactive water dumping proposal
Questions for NuScale VOYGR Reactor Certification: When Will It Be Done? And then, Will It Be Safe?
Addressing Energy Burdens
Colorado Energy Affordability Study prepared for the Colorado Energy Office
100% Renewable Electricity Supply for Maryland by 2035: Technical, Economic, and Fiscal Feasibility
Making Residential Heating and Cooling Climate-Friendly in New York State (revised July 2017)
Prosperous, Renewable Maryland: Roadmap for a Healthy, Economical, and Equitable Energy Future
Nuclear Power and Climate Change (a short paper)
The Mythology and Messy Reality of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing
Risky Relapse into Reprocessing
A New Energy Model for Spain
Cash Crop on the Wind Farm
Low-Carbon Diet without Nukes in France
NRC’s Fukushima Task Force Review: IEER’s Preliminary Review
San Antonio’s Bright Energy Future
Technical and Economic Feasibility of a Renewable Electricity System in the U.S.
eUtah: A Renewable Energy Roadmap
Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free
Renewable Minnesota: A technical and economic analysis of a 100% renewable-energy based electricity system for Minnesota