Watts Bar Unit 2: Does TVA Need the Power? Petition to NRC and Declaration (Feb. 4, 2010)
IAEA abandons interests of Pacific region countries as Japan prepares to dump radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean in violation of key IAEA requirements
Why Small Modular Reactors Won’t Help Counter the Climate Crisis
Net Metering and Distributed Energy Resources: Maryland’s Future (Slides)
NYSERDA’s Renewable Heating and Cooling Policy Framework (2017): IEER Comments
Maryland’s Electric Affordability Program: IEER Comments on PSC Public Conference 47
Maryland’s Grid Transformation: Four points
Testimony on Minnesota’s Nuclear Moratorium at the Senate Energy and Environment Committee
Comments on the Application to FERC regarding the Exelon Proposal to Acquire PHI
IEER Comments on the EPA Proposed Clean Power Plan
Suspend All Nuclear Reactor Licensing; Conduct “Credible” TMI-Style Review
Minnesota Legislature: Discussion of nuclear power
BRC Transportation and Storage Subcommittee’s Draft Report: IEER’s Comments
An efficient and fully renewable energy system in the United States by 2050
Legal Challenge to 20 Year License Extension Proposal for Callaway Nuclear Reactor
NRC Denies Motion; Groups Sue to Block Vogtle Units 3 & 4
Statement of Hugh B. Haskell Regarding the Approval of New Nuclear and Coal-Fired Power Plants in NC
Managing Spent Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste: Interim and Long-Term Considerations
Comments for the Transportation & Storage Subcommittee of the Blue Ribbon Commission
Why Minnesota should maintain its moratorium on new nuclear reactors: Testimony before legislators
Support for legal challenges to nuclear reactor licensing
No More Solyndras: Groups Call on DOE to Release Vogtle Delay & Cost Overrun Information